Every Woman Counts

Team Nicholson

March 10, 2021 8:00am - May 11, 2021 11:59pm

Our Team Fundraising Page

Raise $10,000 with Team Nicholson


10 years ago this summer Dana and I lost our son Bryce. He was stillborn at 37 weeks. These were some of the darkest days and although time has passed this remains a pivotal moment in our lives that can never be erased. The pain and agony of losing this baby still impact our lives today. Despite the fact that I had access to excellent healthcare during my pregnancy none of my providers suggested I track fetal movements.

The more I learned about stillbirth I realized that I was far from alone in my pain. That in the United States each 1 in 167 births end in stillbirth. Remarkably this rate increases to 1 in 96 for black women. We have the power to change this statistic and save babies by educating doctors and moms about the scientifically proven importance of monitoring fetal movements. Count the Kicks is an evidence-based stillbirth prevention campaign that teaches expectant parents the method for and importance of tracking their baby’s movement in the third trimester of pregnancy, with the goal of lowering the country’s stillbirth rate and saving babies across the nation. 

In honor of Bryce’s 10th birthday, I plan to raise $10,000 for Count the Kicks by inviting you to make a donation or to attend the virtual 7th Annual Every Woman Counts event to be held on May 11, 2021, from 12 pm-1 pm CST. (The link will be active 24 hours after the event as well) The event features the NY Times best-selling author Glennon Doyle. Her book Untamed has sold over 2 million copies and features the stores of the Count the Kicks founders. 


To express my sincere gratitude for making a donation I plan to host a virtual book club featuring Untamed on Sunday, May 2.

Our Team





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Recent Activity

Our Supporters

  • Tracy Ericson May 2021 $75.00
  • Patricia McKeon May 2021 $25.00
  • Patricia J. Hall In memory of Michael Karger. April 2021
  • Julia Tayler April 2021 $60.00
  • Anu Menon April 2021
  • Thomas McKeon April 2021 $2,000.00
  • Mary Cain April 2021 $1,000.00
  • Sandi Balonick In loving memory of Bryce Nicholson. Forever in our hearts. Love all of the Balonicks April 2021 $250.00
  • Amy Alessi March 2021 $250.00
  • Tracy Ericson May 2021 $75.00