FH5K After Party
Don't miss out on this spring party!
Join us after the 5K or stop by as a community member/family. Entertainment, Free food/drinks and over 70 organizations/businesses ready to connect with you!
9:00 am - 11:30 am
10 am: ages 2 and under
10:10 am: ages 3-4
10:20 am: ages 5-7
10:30 am
In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, you/your family will have the ability to connect with over 25+ organizations, businesses and the Forest Hills School District dedicated to mental and physical health. In the spirit of “Take a Step to Stop the Stigma” you will walk away with valuable information and resources for you and your family.
Learn more about the Forest Hills School District and the outstanding programs, resources and opportunities available to students. In addition, another 50+ local businesses will be ready to connect with you and your family – you might even get to participate in a game at the booth!
And let’s not forget about some fun entertainment – from a DJ, free food and drinks and student performances from the choir and band – it’s going to be a quite the party!
Kids, ages 1 to 7 can participate in the Fun Run and which FHSD mascot will be the champion of the Mascot Race?
Thanks to AmyB Realestate, Silver Level Partner for providing bags for all participants to collect lots of great information/giveaways as you visit the booths.
Presenting Sponsor
Gold Partner
Silver Partner
Bronze Partner
- Children's Hospital
Fun Run and Mascot Race Partner