My Grace Christian School Fundraiser - Quinn Wilson

Hello, my name is Quinn Wilson.  I am 4th grader at Grace Christian School and I am asking all of my friends and family to join me this year to Support #19!

This year the proceeds of our annual Sports A Thon fundraiser will go to the construction of the new Robert R. Gustafson Center.  This facility will be home to 12 classrooms, two lecture auditoriums, a new gymnasium, locker rooms, concessions, and administrative offices. 

I love my school and am excited to a part of this year's fundraiser to help more students JUST LIKE ME attend this great Christian school.  Here are me and my teams goals:

  • I have a $ 400 goal!  If I am able to accomplish my goal, I will be rewarded with a free trip to Sea World
  • My Class has a $ 13,000 goal!  If we are able to accomplish our goal we will all be rewarded with A DAY OFF from school.
  • The Class that raisies the most money will have a special plaque honoring them in the new Robert R. Gustafson Center.

Please have 2020 Vision and help me and my classmates reach our goals.  Thank you for your support!

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GCS - Our Story





of your goal reached









My Supporters

  • Iris Wilson March 2020
  • Iris Wilson February 2020
  • Iris Wilson January 2020
  • Iris Wilson December 2019
  • Anna Wilson November 2019 $15.74
  • Samuel Gonzalez November 2019 $26.24
  • Anna Wilson November 2019 $15.74
  • Anna Bodova November 2019 $10.49
  • JoAnn Fiallos October 2019 $10.49
  • Kornelia Langa November 2019 $10.00