United Way's HomeWalk 5k Family Run/Walk ○ MWest Holdings/Polaris
Bryan Rincan
May 18, 2019 12:00am - June 1, 2019 3:00am
Bryan's Personal Fundraising Page
This organization and their event are really important to my Company and this is an event that our Company supports every year. United Way's mission is to permanently break the cycle of poverty; improving lives by inspiring and mobilizing the caring power and resources of our communitiy to help end homelessness in Los Angeles.
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My Teammates
- Karl Slovin $26,825.00
- Adam Gruber $4,642.00
- Jackie Ocampo $2,640.00
- Ann Bueno $2,211.00
- Vlady Sheynin $1,265.00
- ME Matthew Ellis $1,000.00
- DH Debra Haro $965.00
- Raiven Gibbs $880.20
- Kyle Kokkales $802.00
- Samuel Kuiumdjian $731.80
- JD Jerry Diaz $650.00
- FW Fil White $603.00
- HL Hannah Lipman Team Captain $583.00
- KL KJ Lee $508.30
- BT Brian Toqe $265.00
- LISA KONCZAL $253.00
- LL Lydie Lyons Team Captain $185.00
- EA Eddie Amuwa $150.00
- Kathleen Wolf $116.00
- PR pietro rovelli $106.00
- AV Ana Villarreal $106.00
- RM Rose Marston $106.00
- JG Jamald Gardner $100.00
- AR Alexandra Rodriguez $100.00
- FF Federico Fernandez $53.00
- Maria Velasco $50.60
- LR Luvina Rosdiana $50.00
- OH Octavio Huerta $50.00
- BS Benjamin Slovin
- OL Oscar Ludena
- RH R Han $0.00
- VB Vic Bueno $0.00
- DM Destenee McKenzie $0.00
- JR Jessica Romo $0.00
- VG Victor Guardado $0.00
- AL Aaron Lee
- CL Calvin Lee
- JH Jennifer Hernandez $0.00
- EO Eduardo Ortiz $0.00
- SD Sarah Diaz
- BD Beatriz Diaz
- AD Abel Diaz
- MD Mary Diaz
- BV Benjamin Velasco
- HJ Hillary Jarlis $0.00
- EL Elodie Lyons
- WV Wilfredo Vaquerano $0.00
- LL Liam Lyons
- FL Faron Lyons
- LC Linda Chia $0.00
- KO Kathie Orr
- JP jamie pawlowicz $0.00
- EP Esther Park $0.00
- NH Neeka Hashemi
- VG victor Gonzalez $0.00
- LW Lezlee Williams $0.00
- AJ Andrew Johnson $0.00
- MA Maria Ambriz $0.00
- MM Maral Maral $0.00
- DS Darylle Scott $0.00
- FD Farnoush Dehghan $0.00
- BR Brad Richards $0.00
- PG Paul Gandia $0.00
- Alma Ramirez $0.00
- WG William Gonzalez $0.00
- YC Yesenia Cervantes $0.00
- LV Luis Verdin $0.00
- Samuel Arguilez Portugal $0.00
- SD Sergio De La Roca $0.00
- NS Nick Scott $0.00
- FD Faranak Dehghan
- AB Amber Boisineau $0.00
- CP Carol Paek $0.00
- CM Carlos Monroy $0.00
- MG Melissa Gruber $0.00
- SR Sergio Ramirez $0.00
- JR Johan Ramirez $0.00
- MR Manuel Ruiz $0.00
- CG Chloe Gruber
- LG Leo Gruber
- GS Glenn Sonneman $0.00
- AF Andrea Fernandez $0.00
- HP Herbert Palacios $0.00
- JT Jose Tinoco $0.00
- MV Melvin Villalta $0.00
- EG Elsy Garcia $0.00
- BJ Breanna Johnson $0.00
- VJ Victoria Johnson $0.00
- CA Cristina Amaya $0.00
- IB Irene Byrner $0.00
- BS Brent Sutton $0.00
- JC Juan Carlos Moreira $0.00
- DW Daymon Williams $0.00
- SA Scott Alexander $0.00
- EW Evan Woods $0.00
- NG Nikolina Georgieva $0.00
- JD Janet Dilanchian $0.00
- DB dean baires $0.00
- JG Joel Gurrola $0.00
- EM Elvis Montes $0.00
- HR Hayde Robles $0.00
- KT Kimberly Toqe
- ET Evanne Toqe
- JM Jesus Moreno $0.00
- NS Nikki Santos $0.00
- ST simonette tantamco $0.00
- BR bobak rezai $0.00
- NG Nelson Gonzalez $0.00
- JB James Burley $0.00
- BR Bryan Rincan $0.00
- NB Noelle Burley $0.00
- JN Jennifer Nerio
- DW Daisy Wolf
- SC Sharon Chun
- NH Noelle Hirneise $0.00
- SK Sam Kopp $0.00
- LS Laura Slovin $0.00
- MS Maxwell Slovin
- AT Alexis Turner
- CS Charlotte Slovin
- SG Sara Gebremedhin $0.00
- MM Marisela Morales $0.00
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