Let's Kick Hunger Outta Here!

Stop Food Insecurity

I have been blessed to never know what it is like to miss a meal because I, or my parents, coudn't afford to put food on the table.  It is unfortunate to think that many of us in one of the largest cities in the US still suffer from food insecurity.  Nutrition is imperative to being able to succeed in life, and many families have to forego meals during times of economic duress.

I've been fortunate in my life and have given back through volunteering at the Food Depository as well as serving food at various men's and women's shelters.  These are folks just like you or I that find them in challenging circumstances, many times in no fault of their own.

Please consider donating to my fundraising page to help me fight this problem of food insecurity.  And if you cannot donate, consider doing some volunteer work at the local food depository.  I can assure you it is well worth your time.






of your goal reached

My Supporters

  • Emily Kolar July 2019
  • Melissa Dinslage July 2019
  • Randy Harvey June 2019 $300.00
  • Patricia Ebel Way to go, Matt! -The Ebels June 2019 $50.00
  • Bryan Rees May 2019 $50.00
  • Randy Harvey June 2019 $300.00
  • David Fraas Best of luck and don't forget you'r old now, don't break something. April 2019 $100.00
  • Patricia Ebel Way to go, Matt! -The Ebels June 2019 $50.00
  • Bryan Rees May 2019 $50.00
  • Matthew Harvey March 2019 $50.00