CollegeBound 2022-2023 Year-In Review
Baltimore’s young people will succeed, we can help them get there.
Every fall since 1992, the Baltimore legal community has joined together to raise crucial funds that support Baltimore City Schools' students to and through college.
Deans, High school principals, CollegeBound alumni, and friends joined us on Thursday, September 14th, 5-7 pm for our campaign kickoff/back to school event at the CollegeBound offices.
Join us on Wednesday, November 8th for our 4th annual Lawyers' Campaign virtual trivia night, hosted by Walsh Trivia!
1st campaign raffle: Friday, November 17th
Check back in for the 2nd campaign raffle date!
CollegeBound is the go-to college resource for Baltimore City public school students. With the Baltimore legal community’s philanthropic support, CollegeBound continues to work with thousands of City Schools’ students through the college and financial aid processes, award $4 million in scholarships and grants, and provide critical advising and mentoring to college scholars.
To and through college. Together.
Thank you for your support!
The Lawyers' Campaign will end on December 31, 2023.
Recent Activity
The Honorable John and Kathryn Fader donated $100.00 to 31st Annual Lawyers' Campaign
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Lucy Robins and Kevin Larrowe donated $100.00 to 31st Annual Lawyers' Campaign
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Lee Sheller donated $200.00 to 31st Annual Lawyers' Campaign
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Marianne and Robert Hellauer donated $100.00 to 31st Annual Lawyers' Campaign
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Our Newest Participants
Rachele Sokolis $0.00 raised
Paul Burgin $0.00 raised
Kayleigh Keilty $0.00 raised
Kimberly Park $1,040.00 raised
Alexander Greenspan $0.00 raised
Andy Bulgin $104.00 raised
Meghan Casey $0.00 raised
Charles Hirsch $0.00 raised
Meagan Pace $260.00 raised
Gemar Patterson $0.00 raised
Allison Caplis $0.00 raised
William Murphy $1,500.00 raised
Susan DuMont $0.00 raised
Katlyn Podany $100.00 raised