Emma-Méabh's Crew

Emma-Méabh's Crew has been created by the friends and family of Emma-Méabh Elizabeth.

Emma-Méabh passed away at 29 weeks April 19th, 2017. Mommy, Daddy, and big brother miss her very much and will love her always. 

What happened to our family is called a stillbirth - and unfortunately, it is much more common than most people realize. Stillbirth (defined as the death of a baby in utero after 20 weeks gestation) claims the lives of 26,000 babies every year in the United States - that's 1 in 160 pregnancies, the equivalent of a school bus full of children dying every single day, and 10 times the number of babies that die of SIDS.

Since Emma-Méabh's passing, we have been volunteering with the Star Legacy Foundation.  It is a non-profit organization in the US dedicated to stillbirth research, education, advocacy, and prevention.

On Saturday, May 2nd, we will join fellow members of the Star Legacy Foundation New York Metro Chapter along with many family and friends, to take part in the 5k/walk & family festival.  

Please join us as we remember all the children lost too soon and help us to honor their memory.

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