My Personal Fundraising Page

Welp... Typed a long story and it somehow got deleted.  Can't do that again, so here's the shorter version.  In 2016, we were so excited, anxious, and hoping to share we would be welcoming another baby boy to our family.  Sadly, Lucas William was born still on Friday morning March 3rd, 2017.  It's hard to explain the unfathomable grief of having to bury your child.  Then to continue through life with every milestone he should be here for.  He was healthy, we didn't get an answer as to why, how did this happen as about 50% of many families don't.  It's not something you get over, but learn to live with.  There are peaks and valleys, sometimes ocean waves and sometimes calm.  It's a journey I would never wish on anyone.  
Please consider joining us, donating, and/or remembering that boy "Our Little Light" that would be 7, going into 2nd grade, maybe type b personality, and likely putting more baseball in our life if that is even possible!  We love you Lucas!






of your goal reached









My Supporters

  • Andrea Dolata Last month $54.00
  • Andrea Dolata Last month $54.00

My Teammates

  • Andrea Dolata Andrea Dolata Team Captain $54.00
  • Jenn Morabito Jenn Morabito $36.50
  • Tony Morabito Tony Morabito $30.00
  • Maddie Morabito Maddie Morabito $30.00
  • Nathaniel Dolata Nathaniel Dolata $30.00
  • Burt Dolata Burt Dolata $30.00
  • Calvin Habig Calvin Habig $30.00
  • James Morabito James Morabito $20.00
  • Robert Morabito Robert Morabito $20.00
  • Anthony Szabo Anthony Szabo $20.00
  • Liam Laybourne Liam Laybourne $20.00