Register for a Miles for Forest Park Event

The Nasty Challenge

Once registered for Miles for Forest Park, you are eligible to participate in the The Nasty Challenge.  It's yet another way to log miles!  NW Dirt Churners will host each of the five Nasty routes in Forest Park.  The Nasty routes are challenging courses utilizing the hills and technical trails and fire lanes not commonly used in Forest Park.  It’s a great way to log some miles and learn some new trails. Those that complete all five Nasties earn a Nasty Challenge t-shirt from Territory Run Co. 

To register, select the route(s) you would like to participate in.

Other Events

We plan to host hiking, walking, running, and biking events in Forest Park throughout the summer so make sure to check back! Interested in hosting an event as part of Miles for Forest Park? Email Kady today.