Best Buzz: Most Creative Promo Donor Leaderboard

HL First Place

Hawaii Laborers & Employers Cooperation and Education Trust Fund


KI Second Place

Kathryn Inouye


NC Third Place

Norman Cheng


FK Fourth Place

F. Kevin Aucello


PL Fifth Place

Paul Lindo


Best Buzz: Most Creative Promo Full Rankings

Rank Top Donors Amount Donated
1 Hawaii Laborers & Employers Cooperation and Education Trust Fund $500.00
2 Kathryn Inouye $265.00
3 Norman Cheng $265.00
4 F. Kevin Aucello $265.00
5 Paul Lindo $265.00
6 Meredith Ching $265.00
7 Karen Sakamoto $260.00
8 Lance Wilhelm $250.00
9 Group Builders, Inc. $200.00
10 Mark Tawara $106.00
11 Joseph Pasion $106.00
12 Jill and Brian Van Deventer $106.00
13 Thai Nguyen $106.00
14 Stanford Lee $106.00
15 Scott Viola $106.00
16 Philip Lurito $106.00
17 Rommel Balisi $106.00
18 Norman Makalena $106.00
19 GREGG KODAMA $106.00
20 Shelley Santo $106.00
21 Stanley Taguchi $106.00
22 Nathan Ramler $106.00
23 Pamela Nitta $106.00
24 Mitchell Noguchi $106.00
25 Barbara Yee $106.00
26 Jennifer Foley $106.00
27 John Baranski $106.00
28 ELIZABETH LUM $106.00
29 GREGG KODAMA $106.00
30 marlon garces $106.00
31 Tyler Mar $106.00
32 Anderson Nguyen $106.00
33 Bettina Mehnert $106.00
34 Cheryl Walthall $106.00
35 Anonymous $63.60
36 Charnee Marie Gauthe $53.00
37 Miye Kuwata $53.00
38 Amy Corbisier $53.00
39 Grant Anae $50.00
40 Casey Tollman $31.80
41 Mikako Hongo $10.60