Stacy's Personal Fundraising Page

I need your help! Let's put an end to YOUTH VIOLENCE!

Homicide is the 3rd largest leading cause of death for young people ages 10-24 natinonwide.  Tragically, between 2006 and 2016, 429 shooting deaths occured in Dade and Broward County alone!  

Falone, KIX Alum and indigenous staff, and now student at FSU (GO NOLES) has endured this type of violence up close and personal.  Falone's brother Marcus was shot and killed outside her home just a mile from KIX in 2018.  Thankfully Falone had a safe place and loving mentors at KIX who walked this dark journey with her for the past few years to help her process.  She was also able to attend a special week long camp for young people who have experienced trauma with our partners at Wellspring Counseling, BOUNCE Camp.  

Sadly, this scenario is not uncommon in our neighborhood!  Our KIX staff have had multiple conversations with young people who have lost their friends to gun violence.  It's enough.  We want it to stop!  We know the answer is JESUS!  We know that the key to change is getting more young people to enter the doors of our ministry sites and start relationship with staff and volunteers who lovingly share the truth with them about a transforming relationship with Jesus! 

I need your help!  More funding, means our programs can be sustained and even continue to grow into new neighborhoods.  Will you help us?  Click to DONATE NOW to my team!  You can help us make a difference in the life of a young person!  You can help us put an end to this senseless violence! 

What if our community was full of young people who see their purpose, who have a plan and a vision for their lives?  We would see a reduction in these senseless deaths.  The death of Marcus would mean something, because his story would have caused people to stop and listen to the story of City Life KIX and the real difference we can make with your help!    

#makeitcount #joinus #jesuschangeslives





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My Supporters

  • Eli Manoogian Eternity Matters. Love ❤️ what you do in God’s powerful name. March 2021 $100.00
  • Jidlyne Remy Continue be a blessing wishing our community. February 2021 $100.00
  • Yolande Judy February 2021 $20.00
  • Anonymous Morales Fam Have a great day going over the edge. So thankful for your ministry in South Florida. February 2021 $2,000.00
  • Redland Company Be Safe February 2021 $250.00
  • Anonymous Morales Fam Have a great day going over the edge. So thankful for your ministry in South Florida. February 2021 $2,000.00
  • Redland Company Be Safe February 2021 $250.00
  • Eli Manoogian Eternity Matters. Love ❤️ what you do in God’s powerful name. March 2021 $100.00
  • Jidlyne Remy Continue be a blessing wishing our community. February 2021 $100.00
  • Schooley Mitchell - Homestead KIX does amazing work for the community. Showing my support for the Morales and their passion for the inner city youth. January 2021 $100.00