Team Leaderboard

Full Rankings

Rank Top Teams Amount Raised
1 Plunging Parkers 30,216.39$
2 School Year Program Team 13,070.93$
3 CF Maint. & Friends 10,201.01$
4 Kuchel Dwellers 9,575.08$
5 The Catyak Crew 4,759.45$
6 Team Romania 4,499.80$
7 The Lady Lambs 3,728.85$
8 The Kabbies 3,617.60$
9 Penguins 3,524.07$
10 Novotny Sisters 2,671.45$
11 Camp Fitch Kitchen Staff 2,351.15$
12 Youngstown YMCA Aquatics 2,093.35$
13 Newton Falls Tigers 1,382.20$
14 Nordonia Adventure Guides 1,074.22$
15 Hazi 1,070.35$
16 Koehler Connections 935.57$
17 Children's Alopecia Project 481.75$
18 Baloney (Ballock and Spadoni) 473.00$
19 Hoover/Hazi 200.00$
20 Mayfield Middle School 0.00$
21 DAWGS 0.00$