My Personal Fundraising Page

Thank you for visiting my 2020 Promise Walk for Preeclampsia fundraising page. I am grateful for your donations and for your help in spreading the word about preeclampsia. My goal is to help our community raise funds, awareness and save the lives of moms and babies. Please make a donation to support our efforts to fund education and research into this life threatening disorder in pregnancy.

My Story

At Shauni's 30 week check up, she was told that her blood pressure was slightly high which led to a trip to the hospital for monitoring. This was scary for us, but were assured not to worry. After multiple tests, it was revealed that Shauni had a "mild" case of preeclampsia.

I had never heard of the condition before and was told that it was fairly common. Between the time Shauni got her diagnosis and the next check up, I did a little digging into preeclampsia. I didn't find much concrete information on the cause or prevention of it. During the follow up appointment, I asked about blood pressure medications and if we should be concerned about seizures. We were told that medication was only given to "severe" cases and that seizures are really rare. 

Our family became a statistic shortly thereafter. One of those "really rare" cases. This disease needs much more attention and research effort so parents aren't crushed like we were. 

We walk to honor our son, Xander Lee. Born sleeping on May 19th, 2019.





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My Supporters

  • Ayumi John March 2020 $60.00
  • Alex John February 2020
  • Ayumi John March 2020 $60.00