Life in the Big Green Jolly (for dogs)

Dogs.  They may not all fit in the van but that doesn't mean we can't help them anyway!

Y’all know it’s always travel versus dogs in my life.  When I’m not traveling, I’m fortunate enough to volunteer with Saving Grace.  In addition to helping with hoarding and cruelty cases (those pictures NONE of us ever want to see), they pull dogs from rural high-kill shelters and give those furballs a chance at forever homes.

Saving Grace has helped save 20,000 dogs since 2004. Now, they need a little saving themselves.

Per county regulations, they need to complete some infrastructure projects before the end of 2019.  Without these projects being finished in 2019, no more Saving Grace. ?

These projects are not warm-and-fuzzy, and definitely aren’t sexy.  

I know.  It’s hard to get excited about things like bumpers for the parking lot and replacing fencing with a different kind.  But that is the reality of life as a non-profit.  Sometime you have to do things that aren’t as rewarding as watching that timid dog  blossom into a social maniac after a few weeks at the funny farm.  And fencing is definitely not as cute as puppy slobber.

So, what do you think?  Can you join us in the ‘Save Saving Grace’ event?  

It’s an online campaign to raise the funds needed by end of November (so those pesky projects can be completed by end of December!).

Any donation helps. If your company provides, company matching for charity donations be sure to use it.

Better yet, join our team and reach out to your fan base for even more donations.  

Together, we can Save Saving Grace!



Because no plea for the dogs would be complete without a dog pic, check out this cutie currently available for adoption via Saving Grace!


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Our Supporters

  • Facebook Donor November 2019 $25.00
  • Salesforce October 2019 $100.00
  • Michael Rogan Good luck! October 2019 $100.00
  • Facebook Donor October 2019 $50.00
  • Facebook Donor October 2019 $40.00
  • Salesforce October 2019 $100.00
  • Michael Rogan Good luck! October 2019 $100.00
  • Facebook Donor October 2019 $50.00
  • Facebook Donor October 2019 $40.00
  • Facebook Donor November 2019 $25.00