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Awarded when Anyone reaches 100 % of goal
Awarded when Anyone raises the most funds
Awarded when Anyone completes their profile
Awarded when a Team reaches 100 % of goal
Awarded when a Team raises the most funds
Awarded when a Team gets the highest number of donations
Awarded when Anyone gets a donation on this special day, March 7th, Read Ahead's 30th Birthday!
Awarded when Anyone gets at least one donation today (Pi Day!) and is entered into a raffle to win a pizza!
Awarded when Anyone earns some green on St. Patrick's Day to support Read Ahead!
Awarded when Anyone shines bright as a challenge winner!
Awarded when Anyone posts about their fundraising on social media!
Awarded when Anyone makes us swoon over their fundraising! Here's a badge just to show we care.
Awarded when a Team does not throw away their shot to be awesome, and earns a donation of $250+!
Awarded when Anyone has fundraising skills looking as good as Bernie in his mittens!
Awarded when a Team is filled with cool cats and kittens! They are on the prowl towards their goal!
Hi ! You're managing 0 fundraising profiles. Choose a participant to switch to their fundraising dashboard.