Our Group Page

Group Name: Brattleboro Museum & Art Center

Cleanup Date: 9/23

Cleanup Start/End Time: 10am - 4pm

Site Name: Retreat Meadows

Meet-up Location: Retreat Farm OR Vermont Canoe Touring Center

City: Brattleboro

State: VT

Estimated # of volunteers: 20

Suitable for Youth under 18? YES

Additional information for volunteers: 

Inspired by the exhibition Aurora Robson: Human Nature Walk, we’re teaming up with Retreat Farm, Connecticut River Conservancy, River Gallery School, and YOU to clean up Brattleboro’s Retreat Meadows and transform trash into art.

Check in at Retreat Farm or Vermont Canoe Touring Center anytime between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., and help out for as long as you’d like. The trash you collect will later get cleaned for use in a sculpture-making workshop at River Gallery School on September 30.

Participate in the cleanup on foot or by watercraft. Vermont Canoe Touring Center will be offering $10 off canoe and kayak rentals for this event.


Group leader contact: Kirsten Martsi, kirsten@brattleboromuseum.org



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