Boyer We Fundraising!

Thank you for joining the Boyers this year as we fundraise for the 25th Annual Walk for Sojourner Truth House. It is crucial to recognize the profound impact our fundraising efforts can have on the lives of women and their children facing homelessness and hunger. For a quarter-century, the Walk for Sojourner Truth House has been a steadfast beacon of hope and support  to those in need in Gary and beyond. However, the challenges facing these individuals persist, and now more than ever, our support is essential. By fundraising for this milestone event, we're not just contributing to a walk; we're contributing to a movement of compassion, solidarity, and positive change. Every dollar raised goes directly towards providing crucial services and programs that uplift and empower those who are most vulnerable in our community. Together, let's make the 25th Annual Walk for Sojourner Truth House a testament to our collective commitment to creating a future where no woman or child has to face homelessness or hunger alone. Join us in making a difference today.





of your goal reached









Recent Activity

Our Supporters

  • Rebecca Kern 5 weeks ago $50.00
  • Natalie Anderson Last month $21.20
  • Judy Morales Last month $26.50
  • Holly Cummings Last month $50.00
  • Shelley Boyer May 2024 $26.50
  • Gene Kessler March 2024 $100.00
  • Stephanie Anderson February 2024 $53.00
  • Rebecca Kern 5 weeks ago $50.00
  • Holly Cummings Last month $50.00
  • Scotty Kessler March 2024 $50.00