Our Team Fundraising Page
Thank you for considering making a donation and taking the time to read about our beloved Mom and Gramma Dottie, who was magic in our lives.
We noticed in early 2015 that she wasn’t herself. She was having trouble doing basic daily tasks that she had done for years and becoming very forgetful. We reached out to doctors in two states looking for help. All they could do was help us make her as comfortable as possible; without proper funding there is no definitive diagnostic tool while the patient is alive, nor are there any treatment options. CJD progresses rapidly, depriving victims of appetite, movement, and memories.
She was the master of homemade chicken soup - whether you were sick, or just hungry. She embodied all that was crafty, creative, tenacious, witty, and fun. After a rapid decline that flew by much too fast and at the same time stood absolutely still, our mother and grandmother went to be with the love of her life BP(Grampa Bruce).
Mom (Gramma Dottie) was taken too early from us all by CJD. We all greatly miss her and we are so thankful for your support to fund research towards finding a treatment/cure for this devastating disease.
Text to Give
To donate to my Strides for CJD text STRIDES2022 to 50155.
About Fundraising
Donations of $250 and above are considered sponsorships.
Sponsorship Levels:
- Diamond: $10,000
- Platinum: $5,000
- Gold: $1,000
- Silver: $500
- Bronze: $250
Diamond and Platinum Sponsors will have their name or logo displayed on participant t-shirts, the Strides for CJD website, and signage. Gold Sponsors will have their name or logo displayed on the Strides for CJD website, and will have their name listed on participant T-shirts and signage. Silver and Bronze Sponsors will have their name listed on the Strides for CJD website only.
Our Team
Maci Hill $20.00
Valori Hill
Janet Yourglich
Matthew Yourglich
Betsy Pease
Brittany Hill
Lori Webster Team Captain $0.00
Clayton Webster $0.00
Taylor Webster $0.00
Team Badges
This team hasn't earned any badges yet.
Our Supporters
- SanMar October 2022
- Dawn Weigel September 2022 $106.00
- Custom Ink LLC Thanks for designing your awesome team shirts with Custom Ink! September 2022 $21.20
- Lori Webster September 2022 $106.00
- Anonymous August 2022 $20.00
- Dawn Weigel September 2022 $106.00
- Lori Webster September 2022 $106.00
- Janet Yourglich August 2022 $56.60
- Brittany Hill August 2022 $54.80
- Custom Ink LLC Thanks for designing your awesome team shirts with Custom Ink! September 2022 $21.20
Recent Activity
SanMar made a donation to Dottie's CJD Avengers
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Dawn Weigel donated $106.00 to Dottie's CJD Avengers
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Custom Ink LLC donated $21.20 to Dottie's CJD Avengers
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Lori Webster donated $106.00 to Dottie's CJD Avengers
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Maci Hill joined Dottie's CJD Avengers
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About Strides for CJD
Strides for CJD is an annual walk/run to raise awareness of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), a rare neurodegenerative disease that has no treatment or cure. Through this event, anyone -- anywhere -- can pay tribute to their loved ones and raise funds for the CJD Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization.
Funds raised support our programs including:
- Our 24/7 helpline, support groups, conference, and other family programs throughout the year.
- Research grants to help scientists make important discoveries and bring us closer to a cure.
- Medical education to help raise awareness and understanding of prion disease.