Our Team Fundraising Page

Meet three-year-old Filip!


Please join us in the Lighthouse for the Blind & Low Vision's First Annual White Cane Walk, Saturday, October 15th to raise needed funds in support of our rehabiltation programs for blind and visually impaired persons in Hillsborough, Hardee and Polk Counties!  

The Lighthouse does not charge a fee for program services, ensuring that all in need of services have access. 

Your participation will help seniors, working age adults, teens, and young children, like 3-year-old Filip. Filip was born premature and developed Retinopathy of Prematurity, which caused him to have limited vision and depth perception. At one year old he started in the Lighthouse’s Early Intervention program. With the help of motivational toys with music and sound, his Lighthouse teacher and his family, he began to move around and explore his world. Filip was given a white cane fitted for his size, and before long he was using the cane to move around unfamiliar areas. 

You, too, can help Lighthouse clients living with blindness or low vision stay and grow more independent at home, at work, at school, and/or in the community.  Funds raised will assist the Lighthouse to continue to provide rehabilitation and habilitation programs at no charge for infants through seniors. To learn more about our programs, visit www.lighthouseblv.org.

Register now to join The Lighthouse Home Team!! 

Thank you so much for your support of blind and visually impaired persons in our community!





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