My Personal Fundraising Page

Team Type 1 National Diabetes Day 24 hour ride

I was diagnosed with Type I Diabetes in 1972, at the age of 5, In 1972, there was a life expectancy of 30 years. Being 5 years old, at diagnosis, and not knowing how many tomorrows I would be afforded, I lived my first 25 years like they were all I had.

At that time, technology had not caught up to Type 1. There were no test strips, insulin pumps or continuous glucose monitors that we have today. The only constant that I could rely on was MY WILL to be active. So each day I was given, I was determined to pack it with activity. Staying active is MY NORTH STAR, it is what drives me to stay ALIVE.

I am a cyclist, not a racer, not an endurance rider, but on November 14th, 2019, National Diabetes Day, as part of Zwift, Team Type I, I WILL ATTEMPT TO RIDE 24 HOURS. I would like to raise as much money as I can for people who need help getting basic life saving diabetic supplies.

I also want others to know that there are others out there who TRULY CARE and are working hard so that one day Diabetes will be no more!

Join me live on my Instagram feed, @DoriWilliamsTT1D, as I check in during the 24 hour ride.





of your goal reached

My Supporters

  • Nick Van Tress Ride on November 2019 $20.99
  • James McKinley November 2019 $52.47
  • Lindsay Horton Love you, mom! November 2019
  • James McKinley November 2019 $52.47
  • Nick Van Tress Ride on November 2019 $20.99