Walk for Autism 2019 Leaderboard
Alex Balke $2,025.00 raised
Karen Phillips $1,086.80 raised
- 3 Kim Scott $1,045.00 raised
- 4 Teri Fredrick $525.00 raised
- 5 Todd Nemet $437.00 raised
Cosmic Burritos $4,514.00 raised
- 2 Team Darth Vader $2,409.00 raised
SLO Eye $1,353.00 raised
Team_KC $1,210.20 raised
- 5 Team Cady $1,095.00 raised
1 Alex Balke $2,000.00
2 Sally McFarlane $1,000.00
3 Alex Balke $1,000.00
4 Kim Scott $1,000.00
5 Richard Koll $500.00
Recent Activity
Alex Balke has earned the Team Fundraising Leader Badge
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Alex Balke has earned the Top Fundraiser Badge
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Alex Balke has earned the Fundraising Achieved Badge
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Alex Balke has reached their fundraising goal of $2,000.00!
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Alex Balke donated $2,000.00 to Alex Balke
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Our Newest Participants
- CD Conway Doss $15.00 raised
- JL John Lawson $25.00 raised
- LR Lili Raygoza $25.00 raised
- P Patricia Morgula $25.00 raised
- EA Evangelina Avilach $25.00 raised
- CZ Chloe Zivyak $15.00 raised
- LS Lauren Sclamenti $15.00 raised
- LD Lauren Dismoke $25.00 raised
- JJ Jacquie Johnson $25.00 raised
- AS Aidan Schiro $25.00 raised