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Awarded when Anyone reaches 100 % of goal
Awarded when Anyone completes their profile
Awarded when Anyone reaches $100.00 in donations
Awarded when Anyone completes the 2021 Write-a-thon! You've earned this! Thank you for writing with us!
Awarded when Anyone is already a Clarion West Six-Week Alumni. You've met a lifetime of writing goals already! You've earned this badge!
Awarded when Anyone doesn't meet their writing goals, but still needs recognition of their intention to do better! You must let us know when you want this badge.
Awarded when Anyone is the most active each week in Slack. This badge is awarded on Saturday evenings.
Awarded when Anyone has flown past their writing goals for the Write-a-thon! You must let us know when you've earned this badge.
Awarded when Anyone meets their writing goals for the Write-a-thon! You must let us know when you have earned this badge!
Awarded when Anyone joins a class, sprint, or cowriting session! If you aren't automatically given this badge after you attend a class, let us know!
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