My Personal Fundraising Page

Why I Walk

While I was in labor with my son, my blood pressure spiked out of nowhere. Luckily, I was already in a hospital setting where my doctors could monitor it minute by minute, making sure no complications arose. It never escalated to preeclampsia, but not all women are so lucky.

I hadn't heard of preeclampsia prior to becoming pregnant, but it is becoming more and more common. Not only does it spike your blood pressure, but it can also cause early labor, seizures, and organ failure. I couldn't help but think how lucky I was to have great medical care to monitor every symptom and how all pregnant women and babies deserve that level of care.

I am walking to raise awareness about preeclampsia so more pregnant women can recognize the signs and symptoms, as well as to hopefully find a cure.

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My Supporters

  • Judy Mathews A day ago
  • Skip and Jennifer Balch 2 days ago $262.50
  • Skip and Jennifer Balch 2 days ago $262.50