AIDS Walk Miami 2020 ○ Care Bears
L. Rocco Vega
My Personal Fundraising Page
Hello fellow supporters!
I’m participating in this year’s AIDS Walk Miami 2020 to raise money for Care Resource, Food for Life Network and it's benefiting partner teams.
These organizations are really important to me, and I’m working hard to support them. When I thought about people who would be willing to help me raise money, I thought of you. Would you be willing to donate and help me reach my fundraising goal?
If you’d like to help me reach my goal, you can visit my page and make a donation here:
You can also leave a message for me about why you decided to donate – I’d love to hear from you!
If you can think of others who might be interested in making a donation, please forward this email to them or share it on social media! These are great organizations in our community and you’d be helping them (and me!) by spreading the word.
Thank you so much for helping me reach my goal, and for supporting our local non-profits. We couldn’t do it without you!
L. Rocco Vega
For additional information about the benefiting organizations or AIDS Walk Miami, please visit
Tell your story here! Your supporters will want to know about you and why you’re fundraising for this cause.
of your goal reached
My Supporters
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My Teammates
- QD QA Department $585.00
- Care Resource IT Department $157.50
- DH Debbie Hernandez $106.00
- TS Thomas Smith $100.00
- EM Evelyn Morales $78.00
- Jon Welsh $75.00
- JP Judith Paris-Pinder $25.00
- Steve Beko $25.00
- JG Joseph Garcia $25.00
- TW Tiffany Wheeler $25.00
- KK Keenan Karwan $25.00
- CD Claire Duleba $25.00
- CM Cecilia Moscoso $25.00
- AP Ausline Perry $25.00
- AC Aracelly Campo $25.00
- AM Adi Martinez Almeida $0.00
- JS Javier Sosa Duran $0.00
- JN Jordan Nodelman $0.00
- PS Paul Seligmann $0.00
- GM gwendolyn means $0.00
- VF Veronica Fernandez $0.00
- CH Clayton Harrison $0.00
- YA Yuliet Alfonso $0.00
- VG vanessa gelabert $0.00
- GP Gina Palenzuela $0.00
- HP Helen Pavon-Pozo $0.00
- NC Nicholas Cruz $0.00
- JT Joel Torres $0.00
- YR yosnarys ramirez $0.00
- Wallace Cure $0.00
- DS Dr. Steven Santiago Team Captain $0.00
- CP Charles Poitras $0.00
- BS Barbara Salim $0.00
- JP Jennifer Palmer $0.00
- RL Roberto Lopez Castellon $0.00
- EQ Evelyn Quintana $0.00
- MA Mirlaine Armand-David $0.00
- AL alicia lee-clarke $0.00
- MV Miriam Vega $0.00
- AG andres gonzalez $0.00
- L. Rocco Vega $0.00
- MZ mauro zapata $0.00
- WK wendy kays $0.00
- QAS Building Ops & Data Team $0.00
- YL Yisel Lopez $0.00
- DR Danae Rosales $0.00
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