Scot's Fundraising Page

Why this matters to me

  I was asked to join the Board of the BIANE 5 years ago.  At the time, I had just completed my gig with the Department of Health and Human Services, but really didn't know much about brain injuries - except for two friends of mine.  Then within the next year, my next door neighbor was T-boned on her way home, which left her still in a rehabilitation hopsital in Lincoln.  A grandson got hit hard in his first football game - and threw up on the bus ride home from a concussion.  A motorcycle friend of mine suffered a brain (and other) injury when a car hit him who didn't see him.  And more, but you get the point: Sometimes things happen all around us that we don't notice until something else happens to help us see more clearly.

  I hope this BIANE effort might be something like that for you.  I have found that working with people and families who have been impacted by brain injuries is really hard work - mostly because it so suddenly comes into our lives.  One moment things are fine and dandy, the next moment BAM!!

  More than 30,000 Nebraskans are impacted by brain injuries every year, most from accidents, but many from stroke.  Most recover with some assistance.  Some lives are forever changed.  All can use the help from the BIANE.

  Fortunately, we have been able to move our support groups online since the advent of COVID; however, from my behavioral health days, I know the difference between a Zoom meeting and the heartfelt expression of encouragement and understanding given by the squeeze of an arm at a live support meeting.  COVID has screwed up a lot of things around the world, and made recovery more difficult for so many people.  I look forward to getting back to how we helped, hopefully soon.

  Thank you for considering the information in this approach.  And, if you see fit, please know that any gift you make will help us reach our financial goals to continue to be available for persons and families who didn't see it coming.

  All best,






of your goal reached

My Supporters

  • Rick Carroll Happy to help. Worthy cause. December 2020 $100.00
  • SCOT ADAMS December 2020 $750.00
  • Patrick Brennan December 2020 $100.00
  • Anonymous December 2020
  • Craig Fabrikant December 2020 $25.00
  • SCOT ADAMS December 2020 $750.00
  • scot adams November 2020 $750.00
  • Brian Adams December 2020 $200.00
  • Rick Carroll Happy to help. Worthy cause. December 2020 $100.00
  • Patrick Brennan December 2020 $100.00