Our Team Fundraising Page

Washington University Department of Anesthesiology is thrilled to be participating in this year’s Academic Giving Competition supporting the Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research (FAER)!

In short, the Academic Giving Competition – or AGC – is putting us in a fun, but fierce competition with other academic anesthesiology departments to raise funds for FAER. All funds raised directly support FAER’s mission to develop the next generation of physician-investigators.

As many of you may know, FAER has had a massive impact on our department. In the past 25 years, 22 members of our department have received research grants from FAER, totaling more than $2.5 million. In addition, FAER’s medical student anesthesia research fellowship (MSARF) program has helped 22 medical students spend summers in our laboratories since 2008, and FAER’s resident scholar program (RSP) has helped our residents present their research work at ASA. In any case, we all benefit from FAER’s work. You can learn more about FAER and its current activities here.

Our Supporters

  • Anonymous October 2023
  • Alex Evers October 2023 $1,000.00
  • Chakrapol Lattanand October 2023 $500.00
  • Brandon Tan October 2023 $100.00
  • Don Arnold October 2023 $250.00
  • Dolores Njoku October 2023 $1,050.00
  • Alex Evers October 2023 $1,000.00
  • Rebecca Aslakson October 2023 $1,000.00
  • Dolores Njoku October 2023 $525.00
  • Dolores Njoku October 2023 $525.00





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