Please help me support families at Geneva School of Boerne by making a donation through my page. The funds I raise will help students attend school through financial aid. Twelve percent of students receive aid, and I want to help my fellow Geneva Eagles!

Your support of me, my team and our school leading up to the Jogathon on October 21 is greatly appreciated. The Jogathon is a beloved annual school community-wide event that raises money for the Geneva Financial Aid Fund. Since the first Jogathon in 2007, our community has raised over $2 million through this event. Our goal for 2022 is to raise $300,000. We'd love for you to join us in this endeavor.


Geneva School of Boerne exists to provide a classical education from a biblical worldview to equip students for a lifetime of learning, service and leadership to the glory of Jesus Christ. We graduate classically trained servant leaders equipped to do hard things. Through our gratitude for Geneva and the education we receive here, we work hard to serve one another as we grow into servants, scholars, athletes and artists.

The donation process is fast, easy and secure. Thanks so much for your support... and please share this page with any friends you think might be interested in donating! I can even get a special recognition for reaching 20 donors!


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