Katy's Fundraising Page

Let's Move for Change, Together.

Did you know that money is a top cause of stress for many Americans? In fact, 72 percent of Americans reported feeling stressed about money at least some time in the prior month. That's according to the latest Stress in America survey conducted by the American Psychological Association. Stress can negatively affect health and even contribute to chronic health problems such as diabetes and heart disease. 

The connection of financial stress to health is quite explicit in the survey results, with nearly one-third of respondents who say that struggling to get by financially affects their ability to lead a healthy lifestyle, and more than 20 percent who say that they have either considered or have skipped medical visits because they lacked the financial resources.

Not surprisingly, adults with lower incomes experience financial stress more acutely. And it isn't just adults who suffer the consequences of stress when money is tight. Research reviewed in a report from the American Academy of Pediatrics finds that childhood exposure to poverty and stress has both immediate and long-term effects on development, behavior and health. 

mpowered is on a mission to change this story! 

Every day at mpowered, we equip and empower people to take control of their financial situation and move toward financial security. This in turn creates lasting behavior changes that positively influence their physical health, their children, and their future.

During the month of Move for Change I am working to raise $200 to fund mpowered's work. I've also set a personal physical health goal to run at least a mile each day during Move for Change week.

Please join me in being active through physical activity, being generous by donating what you can, and being well as we learn about the connection between financial and physical health.





of your goal reached

My Supporters

  • Lori Nolen Sending my love to you and everyone at mpowered! Miss you all! Love! Lori June 2019
  • Chad Gentry Have fun wish we could be there! June 2019 $1,000.00
  • Chad Gentry Have fun wish we could be there! June 2019 $1,000.00