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Campaign Overview

Hi There!

Welcome to RIP Medical Debt's state-local fundraising campaign to relieve credit-wrecking medical debt. This campaign is run by incredible indvidual volunteers – like you! You can tap into your social media and email networks to raise donations that will abolish over 100 times their cash value. You can invite others in your state to register for their own campaign and increase your impact even further!

Once a particular state accrues $12,500 in donations, RIP Medical Debt will forgive $1 Million in medical debt specifically for that state. Letters will go out to the recipients of debt relief to let them know which accounts have been bought and forgiven, and then we will work to repair their credit where those particular debts are concerned. 

You are not solely responsible to raise all $12,500. If you can register other individuals for your state, that will go along way to help. When you end your campaign, the funds you raised will be held in an account for your state until the $12,500 goal is reached through other campaigns; then the debt will be purchased and buried forever. We'll stand over its grave 'til we're sure that it's dead.

RIP Medical Debt's Federal Tax ID: 47-1442997



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