Hello everyone, thank you for coming to my page and showing interest in saving the animals.
My name is Jessica and I am 22 years old. My goal with fundraising for Voiceless4AnimalJustice is to help spread awareness of the injustice that has been silenced or not covered in the social media.
Because of Covid, the government doesnt have people going by to check the farms and slaughterhouses where we get our meat from. We trust that our meat is being sourced through companies that raise healthy cattle, pigs, chickens, etc and that you hope they were raised healthy and euthanized humanely. But that isnt what's going on. Abuse is happening behind the scenes. Workers are killing and torturing the animals without mercy. They are keeping them confined in small crowded cages, throwing them on the ground, stomping them until they lay bloody in the mud or throw them around like dolls. There a videos online. But that doesnt show all of it.
Yes I eat meat. But I will not support companies that do this to the animals. I have vegan and vegetarian family members. I stand by their choice in not consuming meat or dairy products. I do stand by my choice to do so but that doesnt mean I want them to suffer.
I have loved animals my whole life. I always will. I'll help in anyway I can. If I could live off a vegan diet I would but I know my body wouldn't due to my own health issues.
If you help donate to this cause, you will be making a difference.