My Personal Fundraising Page
Why I Walk for Wellness House:
Wellness House provides complete cancer care - every step of the way. Whether you have cancer, or you are caring for a friend or family member who is diagnosed with cancer, all are welcome at Wellness House. More than 520 programs are provided each month, both online and in person, to improve physical and emotional well-being and give people with cancer a support network like no other.
Because of the Walk, and the generous donations of individuals and businesses, everything at Wellness House is provided free of charge, providing one less thing to worry about when struggling with a cancer. That's why I have joined the Walk and why I ask you to join me in giving what you can to support people in the fight for their lives.
of your goal reached
My Supporters
- Julie schneider May 2023
There are no top donors to display.
My Teammates
- JD jacqueline drew $1,363.90
- BS Becky Semeyn $1,360.50
- PH Patricia Hayden $1,062.70
- JL Jeri Lau Team Captain $936.00
- KT Kathy Tobin $769.50
- Karen Strell $398.32
- KR Kathy Rowley $330.00
- LS Linda Schroeder $236.90
- C Charlotte Jerousek $230.00
- MC Ms. Catherine Jankovic $200.00
- Carol Suda $133.90
- DT Diane Tyrrell $132.10
- ME Maria Escarpita $130.00
- LC Lorraine Campea $130.00
- JS Julie schneider $108.15
- KA Karen Albert- Hasserty $100.00
- K Kathleen Francis $80.00
- DN Dina Natale $65.90
- CP Cynthia Piotter $51.50
- KE Kim Ehrenhaft $51.50
- HP Hema Puri $51.50
- SP Sumit Puri $51.50
- JP jim paulsen $31.80
- ES Elsie Semeyn $31.80
- JS Jesse Semeyn $30.90
- MS Marta Semeyn $30.90
- VN Vito Natale $30.90
- BP barbara paulsen $30.00
- WL Wayne Lape $30.00
- MM Madeline Murray $30.00
- MK Mary Kay Subramanian $30.00
- DE David Erpenbach $30.00
- DE Dianne Erpenbach $30.00
- JE Jon Erpenbach $30.00
- KL Kathleen Lape $30.00
- HS Henry Semeyn $30.00
- DD Daniel Drew $30.00
- VB Virginia Banegas $30.00
- NB Nicholas Banegas $30.00
- DB Daniel Banegas $30.00
- KS Karen Shibley $30.00
- SK Shanthi Kumar $30.00
- SK Shankar Kumar $30.00
- AO Anna O'Meara $30.00
- RR Ryab Rowley $30.00
- AR Anna Rowley $30.00
- KD Kazimiera Dewese $30.00
- MS Marilyn Sanderson $30.00
- SS Steve Sanderson $30.00
- CK Cathy Kless $30.00
- RR Ruthie Robinson $30.00
- CD Connor Drew $30.00
- KG Kathy Gianone $30.00
- JG Jeffrey Gianone $30.00
- LJ Laura Jost $30.00
- JC Joan Crowe $30.00
- SE Stephani Edell Pedersen $30.00
- PS Peter Semeyn $0.00