Swimming in memory of my mum, Betty Cohen.

Women Swimmin' is the major event of the Ithaca calendar for me. It is everything that I love about Ithaca rolled up into one glorious day on the lake! Each year, I swim in memory of my mother, a tough, resilient force of nature, who battled breast cancer three times. Along the way, she had the most amazing nurses and carers by her side, and her final few months were spent surrounded by people who looked after her like she was their mum too! We are forever thankful to the help we had from these amazing individuals, and so I swim for Hospicare to ensure that everyone has access to the support they need when their loved ones are suffering. Hospicare is a wonderful organization, and this event highlights how much the organization means to us Ithacans.

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My Supporters

  • Eva Havle-williams 4 weeks ago $50.00
  • Susan Markowitz 5 weeks ago $100.00
  • Nerys and Peter Gregory 5 weeks ago $100.00
  • Joe Zappala 5 weeks ago $50.00
  • Starr Todd Last month $50.00
  • Beverly Sawyers June 2024 $522.50
  • Anonymous July 2024 $500.00
  • Paula Cohen May 2024 $275.00
  • Kim Overby Last month $200.00
  • John Schimenti Great cause Paula! June 2024 $104.50

My Teammates