My Personal Fundraising Page

This will be my first year participating in this incredible event.  I have worked as a PA for nearly 13 year and spent the last 8 of those years in Ithaca, and over 6 years with Ithaca's incredible oncology patients.  Each year I have watched the community come together with excitement over supporting Hospicare and celebrating what a determined group of women can accomplish together. I am thrilled to be a first line participant this year!

My appreciation of hospice services started not as a professional, but rather as a grand daughter of a patient many years ago.  At the time, I had no idea what an impact those professionals would have on my life.  Those that supported my grandmother through her last weeks not only provided physical and emotional support to her but provided the space and grace to allow my family grieve and heal deep wounds that had been present far before my grandmother was diagnosed with lymphoma.

Now, so many years later, I have grown from the role of grand daughter to the role of medical provider and frequently have the opportunity to connect my patients with the services provided by Hospicare.  I have full faith that each patient that leaves my office with a hug or a hand shake or simply a misty eyed look of mutual understanding will have the opportunity to experience the same care and emotional support that my grandmother and family received.

Please support me and my patients by ensuring that Hospicare can continue to provide these excellent and essential services to our community by making a donation today.

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My Supporters

  • Myra Berkowitz 3 weeks ago $10.00
  • Magdalena Hohn 4 weeks ago
  • Linnie Wieselquist 4 weeks ago
  • James Allen Thanks for everything you do, including this! Cricket, Melissa, Alex, James 5 weeks ago $263.80
  • James Edwards 5 weeks ago $100.00
  • James Allen Thanks for everything you do, including this! Cricket, Melissa, Alex, James 5 weeks ago $263.80
  • william Shaw You can do it. Thanks for everything you provide to others Last month $104.50
  • James Edwards 5 weeks ago $100.00
  • Candace Newlove Thank you Avery for letting us know about this !! July 2024 $100.00
  • Ally Marzulla Foof would be proud! July 2024 $100.00