I'm working to complete my first novel! It's a far future story about a feminist commune and the small town that relies on it. Part SF, part fantasy, part climate fiction.
I started this book on GitHub in 2017 and have been poking at it off and on ever since. In Fall 2020, I decided to REALLY DO THE THING and get that pile of words into a functional draft.
As of June 22, I have 38,384 words towards that goal. My goal is to add 7,500 words by midnight on July 31. Round up and we'll say 46,000 is the goal. That's just over half the total planned length of the book!
Writing Sample
Writing Progress
Goal: 46,000 words ✅ ?
Current Total: 46,392
Stretch Goal: 48,000
July 20: +556 words; total 46,392. Which mean....I DID IT! I HIT MY GOAL!
July 19: Added +471 words; feeling like a machine who can crank out (at least) 300 words a day without breaking a sweat.
July 18: Day off!
July 17: Morning writing session produced +661 new words.
July 16: Day off of work and I put together +1035 words. Four digits!
July 15: It was my birthday, and I added +452 words.
July 14 - Disappointing day but I still added +1406 new words. I'm abandoning the table below and offering these updates instead.
July 13 - Big day! Biggest day maybe...ever? +3003 words. Plus I figured out a way to work out of order without losing my focus/organization.
June 22
June 23
June 24
June 25
June 26
June 27
42,325 - Scenecraft class
June 28
42,376 - Mostly worked on outline
June 29
42376 - day off
June 30
42376 - poem submission day
July 1
July 2
July 3
July 4
44103 - Started beat sheets for the characters
July 5
44103 - REST DAY
July 6
44103 - more beat sheets
July 7
44103 - MORE beat sheets
July 8
44103 - gonna lay off the plotting for a while and get back to writing
What I Write
Generally, I write poems, fiction, zines, games, essays, and pieces for performance.