My Personal Fundraising Page

A visual representation of the outcome of Preeclampsia.

Why I Walk

Brely B may not walk now, but she'll be sure to be walking by the time of the 2024 Memphis Promise Walk. Brely B. is a feisty 29 weeker who was evicted as an affect of Preeclampsia. Brely came into this world alone with no family to greet her and was able to overcome many obstacles life threw at her from the beginning. She is the true definition of a warrior and representation that there are brighter days after the chaos. 


We now walk for other families who have been in our shoes, who will be in our shoes, and walk for ourselves for being able to overcome the curveball that Preeclampsia threw at us.

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My Supporters

  • Anonymous May 2024 $25.00
  • Anonymous Dedicated to the little lady behind the mission for the Memphis Promise Walk. May 2024 $25.00
  • Anonymous May 2024 $25.00
  • Anonymous Dedicated to the little lady behind the mission for the Memphis Promise Walk. May 2024 $25.00