Join us for the APDA Optimism Walk!
Walkers will come together nationwide in 2025 to step towards supporting all people affected by Parkinson's disease. Your fundraising dollars at the Norfolk, VA Walk will go directly toward the local community, expanding local program and services to help more people with Parkinson's disease live life to the fullest, as well as fund cutting-edge research to help find better treatments and ultimately, a cure.
Saturday, May 3, 2025
8am - Check-in and pre-event activities
9am - Welcome Ceremony
9:15am - Walk
10:30am - Optimism Party, Awards & Raffle
Harbor's Edge | 1 Colley Avenue | Norfolk, VA
Link to Google Maps
Parking Information: A shuttle and golf carts will be available to assist with drop off at the parking location behind the Harbor's Edge building.
Earn our great incentive prizes along the way!
Raise $100+ Receive an Optimism Walk Shirt
Raise $500+ Receive an Optimism Walk elite fundraiser prize
Raise $1,000+ Become a Circle of Optimism Member where you will by recognized during the Opening Ceremony and receive a medal
For more information: please email Donations can also be mailed to APDA Virginia Chapter | PO Box 4162, Virginia Beach, VA 23454