Life is a Human Right

Because all people are made in God's image and are equally valuable to Him, all life at every stage is precious, including the little ones in the womb. Serving women facing unplanned pregnancies and saving the lives of their unborn babies is the mission of CompassCare. Each child - whether in the womb or in the mother's arms - has a God given right to life. We have a responsibility to protect and defend that right no matter how loud the opposition gets. God has called us at this time to stand firm in our conviction, speak truth in love to our world and trust Him with the outcome. 

CompassCare serves abortion minded women throughout New York State with compassion and love. By supporting the Walk for Life, you can join them in their efforts. Here's how:

  1. Click on the "Give Now" tab and donate to help me reach my goal. It costs CompassCare $570 to provide free services to one abortion minded woman. My goal of $11,400 will serve 20 women.  
  2. Register as a pledge-raising walker yourself and collect sponsors.
  3. Watch the Online Rally on Friday, May 3 from 7:00-8:00pm (ET), either at home or in the cafe at Hope Church in Greece with your friends and family.
  4. Join me and Walk for Life in person at Hope Church on Sunday, May 5th at 1:00pm. We will meet at Hope first and walk a predetermined route together in the neighborhood. 

Much work remains to be done to change hearts and minds and to rebuild a culture that values life from conception to natural death.  It will not be easy but by God’s grace that day is coming.  Will you join me in standing up for life?





of your goal reached

My Supporters

  • Anonymous May 2024 $200.00
  • Anonymous May 2024 $20.00
  • Anonymous May 2024 $250.00
  • Anonymous May 2024 $20.00
  • Anonymous May 2024 $50.00
  • Joel Slesak Today is my wife's birthday. Happy Birthday Pat! I am so thankful that her parents rejoiced at her birth and welcomed her into our world 73 years ago! April 2024 $1,140.00
  • Pat Slesak April 2024 $1,140.00
  • Anonymous I pray God continues to bless this life saving ministry April 2024 $700.00
  • Peter/Pat Kirkey Glory to God. Keep up the good work you are doing in His name, Pat and Joel. April 2024 $570.00
  • Anonymous “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are they works; and that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from thee when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.” (Ps 139:14-15) April 2024 $570.00