Save Women and Babies from Abortion



Every human being is created in the image of God. Therefore, all life is valuable and deserving of protection, from conception to natural death. For over 25 years CompassCare has helped women facing unplanned pregnancies and the precious lives that they carry. By supporting the Walk for Life, you can join them in this mission. 

  1. Click on the “Give Now” button to support our team. It costs CompassCare $570 to provide free services to one woman considering abortion. Our goal of $34,200 will serve 60 women. 

  2. Register to be a pledge raising walker and collect sponsors. Click on “Register for the Walk for Life Weekend" and set up your own personal page. After creating your own personal page on the CompassCare website, utilize the "REGISTER HERE" link below to register in the Hope App so that we have an accurate count for food. 

  3. Watch the Online Rally at home or with other pro-life friends in the Gathering Place café at Hope Church in Greece on Friday, May 3rd from 7:00-8:00 PM. Use the "REGISTER HERE" link below to let us know you are planning on coming. 

  4. Join our team for the In-Person Walk on Sunday, May 5th at 12:30PM. We’ll gather at Hope’s Greece campus first and then head out to walk an easy 2 mile route together down Long Pond (there are sidewalks all the way), followed by fellowship and walking tacos. Bring the family. Together we’ll Walk for Life! 

REGISTER HERE FOR THE RALLY AND/OR WALK. Clicking this link will bring you to the Hope Church Application to register. 


“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.”  Ephesians 2:10





of your goal reached

Recent Activity

Our Supporters

  • Anonymous Last month $100.00
  • Jim and Christine Mulligan May 2024 $570.00
  • Anonymous May 2024 $100.00
  • Anonymous May 2024
  • Anonymous May 2024
  • Anonymous April 2024 $2,280.00
  • Anonymous April 2024 $1,140.00
  • Joel Slesak Today is my wife's birthday. Happy Birthday Pat! I am so thankful that her parents rejoiced at her birth and welcomed her into our world 73 years ago! April 2024 $1,140.00
  • Pat Slesak April 2024 $1,140.00
  • Anonymous I pray God continues to bless this life saving ministry April 2024 $700.00