Team Fundraising Page Title
The Jet Propulsion Laboratory is a unique national research facility that carries out robotic space and Earth science missions. While JPLers are recognized as being on the forefront of space exploration, we also want to be recognized for being socially conscious and civic minded at home in our communities. Which is why we have come together with other Angelenos to raise funds to end homelessness in LA County. Here is a first hand reason why we feel it’s important and why you should join our effort in raising funds:
"The HomeWalk was a fantastic way to connect with fellow JPLers in the context of our extended LA community. I was encouraged to see JPL addressing homelessness in Los Angeles with the sincerity and compassion it deserves, which gives me yet another reason to be proud to work for JPL. Walking through downtown with many thousands of other people who bring passion to this cause is truly a sight to behold.”
- Pamela Fusek
Please consider joining our team and supporting the cause!
Our Team
- James Ramirez Team Captain $878.69
- LJ Larry James $605.30
- Ocean McIntyre $214.30
- EG Edward Gonzales $200.00
- KD Katherine Dang Team Captain $150.02
- SK Shayena Khandker Team Captain $137.20
- SK Sammy Kayali Team Captain $100.00
- MH marty herman $100.00
- MH Marc Herman $100.00
- NH Nelson Huang Team Captain $100.00
- GL Gabrielle Lee $75.00
- AQ Amiee Quon $75.00
- VR Vincent Robbins $25.00
- MR Mark Ryne $25.00
- SB Samantha Brailey $25.00
- MJ Melanie Johnson $25.00
- MM Manuel Martin Soriano $25.00
- DN Derrick Nybakken $20.00
- RM Roderick McIntosh $10.00
- NH Nichole Henderson $5.00
- KE Kevin Elberger $0.00
- JM Jonathan Moges Team Captain $0.00
- TS Thomas Santos $0.00
- JH Jennifer Ho $0.00
- AG Angel Garnica $0.00
- Kevin Pham $0.00
- IL ian lang $0.00
- MG Martha Gamboa $0.00
- MG Martha Gamboa $0.00
- LT Louis Tse $0.00
- MM Mohammad Mojarradi $0.00
- AM Annie McDonnell $0.00
- IB Ibrahim Bardak $0.00
- MW Michael Weigand $0.00
- TT Tiffany Temple $0.00
- BW Beth Wilson $0.00
- LD Luis Dominguez $0.00
- AR Anna Ramirez $0.00
- AR Arthur Ramirez $0.00
- BF Brian Franz $0.00
- JR Jason Rodriguez $0.00
- CH Courtney Hadnett $0.00
Recent Activity
Melanie Johnson joined JPL Voyagers
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Tiffany Temple joined JPL Voyagers
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Samantha Brailey joined JPL Voyagers
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Kevin Pham joined JPL Voyagers
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Thomas Santos joined JPL Voyagers
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Our Supporters
- Jennifer Soto May 2019
- Tiffany Temple Thanks for all you do to support the United Way! May 2019 $25.00
- Lizzy Paulson Thank you for your leadership on our Board and in our community! May 2019
- Anonymous May 2019
- Suki Ewers May 2019 $50.00
- Anonymous May 2019 $100.00
- Elizabeth Ramirez Go James!!! May 2019 $100.00
- Mark Lopez Go team guys are awesome!!! May 2019 $100.00
- Jennifer Ho May 2019 $100.00
- John Powell May 2019 $100.00