My Personal Fundraising Page

[A nurse/nurse practitioner for more than fifteen years, I am very much aware of the need for hospice services and the value that Hospicare provides to our community. 

Hospicare provides information and education about terminal illness, dying, and bereavement. It brings compassionate care to people and their families at all stages of a life-threatening illness and at the end of life. It supports and guides loved ones through the grief period and helps people to come to terms with the loss of their loved ones. All these services would not be possible without our annual Women Swimmin fundraising event and your contribution is very much needed.

I am very happy and excited to be able to take part in the 1.2 mile swim across Cayuga Lake on August 10th. 

I have swam on and off several times throughout the twenty years history of this event but have not been able to participate for the last several years. My recent retirement has given me the opportunity to take swim lessons and train more consistently in order to get ready for the swim across the lake.

Please consider supporting Hospicare's mission by contributing to my effort to fundraise with my lake swim.


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My Supporters

  • Janie Leff / Matched A day ago $25.00
  • Janie Leff Zsofia, thanks for doing this for such a worthy cause. I had no idea you were a hospicare nurse. Respect! A day ago $25.00
  • Anonymous Orulunk az uszodrol. A day ago
  • Dan and Linda Finlay 2 days ago
  • Carla Marceau 3 days ago $100.00
  • Anthony Sidari 3 weeks ago $522.50
  • Carla Marceau 3 days ago $100.00
  • Steve/Mary Ryan/Fisher 4 days ago $100.00
  • Caron Bove 2 weeks ago $75.00
  • Barbara Baird Holowka Go Zsofia Go - so glad have you back on the roads and in the water! 1 week ago $52.25