My Personal Fundraising Page
My Reason!
Hi everyone!! Welcome to my fundraising page!
The reason behind my desire to fundraise is my not-so-little girl, Madison! When she was 9, she was diagnosed with Germinoma. It was a total shock. Madison had just played her 5th season of spring softball when she stopped using her left arm. There were symptoms prior to that and I regret daily not realizing what they were. She had what we felt like was a mini heat stroke or severe heat exhaustion on the softball field. And one day she said "mom my fingers crossed on their own". Both were explainable. It was HOT HOT at the softball game and maybe she didn't hydrate enough. Her fingers, well kids say the darndest things, right?!
The weekend after her 9th birthday, she could barely stay awake and we knew something was wrong. The neuro doctor we had seen for her arm issue told us to pack for at least a week and get her to the ER. The rest is history. Madison was a complete BOSS through every round of chemo, radiation, shaving her head, hospital admissions, fevers, blood transfusions, platelet transfusions, loonnnggg clinic days, literally all of it!
Today, Madison is 14 years old! She is in remission! She loves Flying Squirrels baseball (specifically catcher Brandon Martorano), the beach, sleeping, karate (she's currently a green belt), vacationing anywhere and everywhere, and giving back to the Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU. If you ask her what her ultimate goal in life is, she'd say "to be a pediatric oncology nurse" because of the amazing nursing staff at CHoR! Nurses, we love you all!!
ASK has been with us through the best of the bet days and the absolute worst of the worst days! Katie Barber, thank you for being you! I love that you still remember your very first encounter with Maddy and that dang Kiki dance (oh and let's not forget the cute boy google searches)! Megan, we see Megan at all of the ASK events AND at all the Flying Squirrel events and we love her so much! We are some of the biggest ASK fans and we wear that proudly! As an ASK family, giving back to the organization who helped us most is something that we will forever do! Something that makes us feel like we're being the best versions of ourselves! "Pey it Forward" has been our motto since our first walk and we will continue to honor and remember Maddy's chemo bestie who inspired it!
Help us raise as much as we can for kiddos like my ASK kid, Madison and ASK siblings, like Lucas! Donations help ASK families with so much and keep the support going strong for kiddos who are
of your goal reached
My Badges
View All Event BadgesMy Teammates
Roxanne Martin Team Captain $1,862.40
Ashley Simpson-Lewis $523.20
Madison Martin $102.00
Lucas Martin $102.00
Kate Morgan $38.80
Bryce Morgan $30.00
Evan Morgan $30.00
My Supporters
- MelbaDale Parrish April 2024 $156.00
- Brooke Greenbank April 2024 $26.00
- Thomas Block Paying it forward! March 2024 $10.40
- Roxanne Martin We had the best kids consignment sale! March 2024 $1,600.00
- Anonymous Thank you Tangled & Tanned for your tinseled hair fundraiser!! January 2024 $70.00
- Roxanne Martin We had the best kids consignment sale! March 2024 $1,600.00
- MelbaDale Parrish April 2024 $156.00
- Anonymous Thank you Tangled & Tanned for your tinseled hair fundraiser!! January 2024 $70.00
- Brooke Greenbank April 2024 $26.00
- Thomas Block Paying it forward! March 2024 $10.40