2024 ASK Walk   ○   Unicorns & Curls

thomas block

May 18, 2024 8:00am - 12:00pm

Help me get covered, smothered, chunked, and peppered

Charlotte was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in October 2018.  This is a blood cancer that affects the bone marrow in children.  It was hell on earth while she was in treatment for 2 and a half years, going to clinic weekly for chemotherapy and lumbar puncture treatments, many surgeries, several blood transfusions, loss of hair 3 times, several infections, teeth pulled, 27 ER visits, and the list goes on and on and on!  She has been in remission since January 2021.  It went from the worst day of our lives to the best day. Having said this, we are some of the lucky ones.  We know and have known many children and families that have been through so much worse.

And through it all, ASK was there. 

This year, I am changing things up for what is now becoming a tradition of doing what they did on Double Dare on me. For every fundraising goal I hit, I'll add another item to the list my kids will be armed to get me with. You want to laugh at what my kids are going to do? Donate!

If I reach:

$250 Whipped Cream Pies to my face

$500 Package of flour on my head

$750 Dozen eggs cracked on my head

$1,000 Kids throw rubber balls at me

$1,300 Kids pour a big bucket of slime on me

$1,700 Kids throw waterballons at me

$2,250 Kids dump a big ice bucket on my head

$2,500 Kids dump a bag of feathers on me

$2,750 Kids release glitter bombs on me

$3,000 Kids dump chocolate sauce on me

$3,500 Kids dump Ketchup & Mustard on me

$5,000!!!! I get dressed in a green body suit and go grocery shopping while my wife videotapes the reactions.

LET'S GO!!!!





of your goal reached









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My Supporters

  • Anonymous Great work, Thomas. May 2024
  • Amanda Goodman May 2024 $52.00
  • Anonymous May 2024
  • Brian McDaniel May 2024 $20.80
  • Thomas R Block May 2024 $208.00
  • Chris Easlick May 2024 $2,500.00
  • BGreenberg APuma With love from Brian and Angelo. Network Wealth Management May 2024 $261.04
  • Duncan Financial Group May 2024 $260.00
  • Francis Consolmagno April 2024 $260.00
  • Alex Kline Out of respect for Thomas Block and the great work that he does. April 2024 $260.00