Social Media Tips

Social media is a great way to tell friends, family and coworkers about your fundraising efforts and encourage their support.


  • Set your goal and share it through your status updates.
  • Change your profile pic (right click to download the adjacent image) or header. 
  • Tell your followers why this event is important to you and ask them to support you.
  • Share the link for your personal fundraising page and/or team page for the walk in every post.
  • Talk about your progress.
  • Encourage your friends to join your team, make a donation or volunteer.
  • Thank your friends. Type in @ and their name, it should appear in a drop down box. Select their name to tag them.
  • Share posts from our ASK Facebook pages so friends can see why this is important to you. You can find us at 


  • Change your profile pic or header. ASK 5K versions will be added to our Tool Kit page and found in your Resource Center when logged in. Or you can download the adjacent image. 
  • Edit your profile and include a description about your fundraising efforts and a link to your personal fundraising page.
  • Use hashtags so others can search and find your posts: #askccf, #ASKwalk, #rva, #MoreThanAWalk. You can also use common hashtags like #motivationmonday, #teamtuesday, #thankfulthursday, #feelgoodfriday.
  • Thank your friends. Type in @ and their name, it should appear in a drop them box. Select their name to tag them.
  • Follow us on Instagram at @ASKCCF


  • Change your profile pic or header. ASK 5K versions will be added to our Tool Kit page and found in your Resource Center when logged in. Or you can download the adjacent image. 
  • Use hashtags so others can search and find your posts: #askccf, #ASKwalk, #rva, #MoreThanAWalk. You can also use common hashtags like #motivationmonday, #teamtuesday, #thankfulthursday, #feelgoodfriday.
  • Retweet and recognize your donors with @ and their name.
  • Follow us on Twitter at @ASK_CCF and retweet our posts with message about why this cause is important to you.