My Personal Fundraising Page
In July of 2018 I got a call from my daughter. Hearing the sound of her voice I knew something was wrong. She was crying so hard I could barely understand her. I told her to take a deep breath, calm down and asked if she was ok. A few minutes after calming down her words were "It's not me mom, it's Madison!' Her then 8 year old daughter, my granddaughter. I asked what was wrong with Madison! She did not know at that time. She told me that she was holding her arm up and behind her some and was not using it. She took her to her Pediatrician who immediately directed her to a Neurologist. Something was definitely wrong! They did an MRI and found a 'shadow' on her brain. They didn't think it was anything urgent at that time. That is until the weekend after her 9th birthday. She started sleeping all the time. A call to the doctor sent them back to the hospital immediately and was admitted. She had several MRIs, spinal taps, blood draws and x-rays. Madison had 2 tumors in her brain and was diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer! Our Madison.. a healthy, energetic, full of life little girl who loved playing softball, horses and swimming.. had brain cancer!! I was devastated! I kept thinking 'how does this happen to one of our babies?!' I couldn't believe what was happening!! Which form of cancer was not known until her brain biopsy. She had Germinoma. She has gone through blood transfusion, platelet transfusions, 4 rounds of chemo and 20 days of radiation.Through it all she has stayed strong and brave. She is finished with her treatments and now we wait for the MRI to see if the tumors are gone completely. ASK has been an awesome support system to my daughter, son-in-law and to Madison. They helped her keep her mind off the scary by playing with her, walking with her and doing what best friends do together! I want to thank them for that!
This is why I am joining this walk with my granddaughter Madison. She is a fighter, a survivor! She is the most bravest little girl I have ever known! Anyone want to join us in this walk against cancer? We would love to have you! If you can't join us in the walk then Please consider donating to my fundraiser to give back to this organization who has helped save Madison's life! Please help them help other kids like Madison going through this awful scary illness. Your donations are not wasted, they go to the kids in the hospital for whatever they or their parents need. No donation is too small. Please help them
Beautiful Madison
Madison and nanny
Madison and poppop Yup.. she's a Patriots fan
Kicking butt at the kickball tournament in her honor. With poppop and nanny.
Team Madison
With mom and dad
Beach fun with her little brother Lucas ☺
My Badges
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My Teammates
- Roxanne Martin Team Captain $2,551.98
- MM Madison Martin Team Captain $1,100.00
- RF Rebecca Findley $100.00
- Kathryn Scott Heiber $25.87
- LM Lucas Martin
- SS Stephanie Sturgis $0.00
- KS Kaleb Sturgis
- KS Kole Sturgis $0.00
- PM Pam Mundhenk $0.00
- BF Brooke Findley
My Supporters
- Ronnie Heiber April 2019 $25.00
- Ronnie Heiber April 2019 $25.00