My Personal Fundraising Page

Welcome to Evan Rudicle Fundraising Page. I am looking for 1$ - 15$ donations if you can it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for visiting and considering a donation. ~ Evan Rudicle


Dear Friends,


We will be participating in the walk on October 31st which may be Halloween, but it is also the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, we will be walking around our new track and around the school completing at the MIN of 3 miles but the MAX of as many as we would like. 


 We are working to complete the payment of our brand new TURF ATHLETIC FIELD. Our School goal is 11,000 dollars, I am looking for donations anywhere from 1$ - 15$ (or more if you are willing) which I would greatly appreciate! 


You can donate here :

If you are visiting this page -------> click the donate now button if you can donate, thank you so much for considering a donation!

This year the athletic field greatly impacted me and the Saints soccer team, last year we where playing on a grass field which was in very poor shape, holes in the middle, sprinkler heads sticking out of the ground, etc. Which was a risk for us Athletes to get injured, playing and even practicing at our own home field. This year on the new turf field we where able to be the host of Soccer Sectionals for the first time in around 4 years. Our soccer team may not have made it far in that, but we still used the field, and it was a great improvement for our practices, and making us a better team. 


Thank you for considering a donation, it is greatly appreciated, and I thank you very much! This new field was a blessing to us Saints at Lutheran High School giving us somewhere safe to play, and participate in the things we love the most. Thank you!


~Evan Rudicle





of your goal reached









My Supporters

  • Kristineq Rudicle October 2017 $40.00
  • Carla Breinlich For Evan f October 2017 $20.00
  • Kristineq Rudicle October 2017 $40.00
  • Carla Breinlich For Evan f October 2017 $20.00