Kimberly's #Voiceless4AnimalJustice Fundraising Page

Why I love being on the Animal Justice team...

Animal Justice leads the legal, political, and educational mission to transform Canada into a kinder country for animals.

Over the last few years of being on the Animal Justice team, I've seen animal issues move into the courtrooms, media outlets, political corridors, and public conversation in Canada like never before.

Many Canadians are shocked to find out that we have some of the worst animal protection laws in the western world. In Canada, there are no federal regulations protecting animals from abuse in factory farms, laboratories, zoos and aquariums, and puppy mills. In this country, it’s even legal to kill and eat your pets!

And to make things worse, governments across the country have passed or are considering passing “Ag gag” laws that will outlaw being able to take and share footage of animal cruelty from the animal agricultural industry.

Whether it's a chicken in the egg industry caged and barely able to move for her entire life, a walrus suffering abuse in an aquarium, a coyote terrified and in agony in a leg-hold trap, or a rabbit being tortured in a cosmetic testing lab, Animal Justice is working tirelessly to end the suffering of all animals.

Please help us take our mission of animal protection to yet a whole new level by donating to our #Voiceless4AnimalJustice campaign.

A little by-product...your donations also get me to shut up for a day. ;)

Click on the image below to see last year's AJ Year-End Video to see more about what we do... 





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  • Anonymous Thanks for doing this Kimberly. I hope Animal Justice gets all the money they need. November 2020
  • Anita Kania Great job, KK!! November 2020
  • Anita Barnes Thank you! November 2020 $150.00
  • Paulette Goulard Thank Kimberly for all that you do November 2020 $50.00
  • Krissy Solic For all the hard work and dedication you do at Animal Justice! For every little animal that can be freed. November 2020
  • Anita Barnes Thank you! November 2020 $150.00
  • Joel Richardson What a great cause! I know you got this Kimberly! November 2020 $100.00
  • Amanda/Anthony Noble-Gresty/Carione November 2020 $100.00
  • Alan Witz Good luck! November 2020 $100.00
  • Nital Jethalal November 2020 $100.00