My Personal Fundraising Page
When you support my Walk for Kids fundraiser, you’re making a difference for families when it matters most.
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Arizona (RMHC-SA) is dedicated to supporting the health and well-being of children by providing a place for them and their families to call home when they travel to Tucson while battling critical illness or injury. RMHC-SA relies on the support of the Southern Arizona community to continue its services to more than 600 families each year. Learn more about the families they serve at
Best of all, every donation you make towards my goal stays right here in Southern Arizona, helping families heal together even when they're far from home.
Thanks for your support!
My Achievements
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My Teammates
- RH Ruth Higgins $21.00
- OP Oxana Passarino $10.00
- JK Jason Kosik $10.00
- JF Jasmine Fimbres $10.00
- JH Jay Higgins $10.00
- JZ Jacob Zacharias $10.00
- DA Danielle Asman $10.00
- LH Leila Hamidouche $10.00
- KS Kiran Shrestha $10.00
- SM Sara Mikna $10.00
- PA Patty Athey $10.00
- OP Olga Perez $10.00
- PR PAM RAINES $10.00
- VJ Valerie Jimenez $10.00
- KB Kathy Bhatt $10.00
- CF Charlotte Foster $10.00
- HF Harrison Foster $10.00
- AF Audrey Foster $10.00
- IP Isaac Perez $10.00
- JP Jonathan Perez $10.00
- RS Rachel Smith $10.00
- CT Cheryl Tindle $10.00
- MW Mark Witecki $10.00
- CA Chris Alvarez $10.00
- MA Milania Alvarez $10.00
- AM Andi Montgomery $10.00
- TW Tracy Waltmire $10.00
- JM Josh Mikna $10.00
- RM Riley Mikna $10.00
- AM Aracely Morando $10.00
- AM Alejandro Morando $10.00
- PM Pamela Midkiff $10.00
- GH George Hernandez $10.00
- AW Annie Wondrak $10.00
- TL Trish Ladensack $10.00
- NL Nick Ladensack $10.00
- CS Christina Stevens $10.00
- VA Vanessa Alvarez $10.00
- OL Otto Ladensack $10.00
- EL Emily Ladensack $10.00
- FN Faith Nichols $10.00
- BF Brittan Foster $10.00
- MG Michael Gallo $10.00
- DR Daniel Richardson $10.00
- MD Miladin Damjanovic $10.00
- JF Jasmine Ferrell $10.00
- Kevin Bhatt Team Captain $10.00
- BA Breena Alvarez
of your goal reached
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