2022 WALK TO REMEMBER ○ Team John's Island
Bernie Kastory
November 12, 2022 9:00am - December 31, 2022 11:00am
My Personal Fundraising Page
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My Supporters
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My Teammates
- BM Brooke McGrue $250.00
- BP Bob Puff $250.00
- JC Jane Coley $0.00
- RD Robin Dunlap $0.00
- CG Cynthia Greene $0.00
- BK Bernie Kastory $0.00
- SL Suzi Locke $0.00
- DS Don Steiner $0.00
- SC Susan Cotter $0.00
- JH Joe Huber $0.00
- MH Michael Hoben $0.00
- LK Louise Keating $0.00
- DS Darlene Scott $0.00
- MS Meg Steiner $0.00
- LB Lorraine Bell $0.00
- ED Emmy Dunbar $0.00
- NP Nancy Puff $0.00
- JW Janet Williams $0.00
- SB Stephen Bell $0.00
- BC Bob Cotter $0.00
- PD Patsy Daniels $0.00
- GD Georgia Davala $0.00
- KG Kate Graham $0.00
- RH Rosemary Haverland $0.00
- JH Joan Hoben $0.00
- LH Leslie Hodges $0.00
- LH Louise Huber $0.00
- KK Karen Keating $0.00
- JM Jeanne Manley $0.00
- K" Katharine "Kissy" Russell $0.00
- LS Liz Schroeder $0.00
- JS John Scott $0.00
- KL Kyle Legg $0.00
- TB Tracy Bartels $0.00
- HO Helen O'Connor $0.00
- JO James O'Connor $0.00
- SR Sandra Rolf $0.00
- JM Jim Manley $0.00
- JW Jason Williams $0.00
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