Our Team Fundraising Page


We swim in memory of our beloved sorely missed friend Stephanie Gardner who died at the way too young age of 45 after a short, courageous struggle with cancer.  Steph joined us in the pool when she began her triathlon training (and quickly outpaced many of us).  Steph was a six-time iron man finisher with a national ranking in her age group.  She was a remarkable woman who oozed enthusiasm, compassion and love.  Steph continues to inspire us in and out of the water.  We think of her when we do her workouts -- such as those wonderful split kicks and the mini pyramid.  You live on in your hearts Steph!





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Our Supporters

  • Dale Schumacher 4 hours ago $52.25
  • Joni Spielholz So proud of all the work you’ve done for this incredible community resource.  Go Jane #21! 15 hours ago $36.00
  • Allison Bell 23 hours ago $50.00
  • Mindy and Bob Fitzsimmons Could be a great year for thee Power of Women! Go swimmers! 23 hours ago $250.00
  • Nancy Harney A day ago $209.00
  • James Butler Please make this anonymous donation. Julie, you go girl !!!!!!! Last month $1,045.00
  • Richard Conti Julie, I'm so pleased to support you in this worthy effort. Kudos for your community service! Love, Rich 3 weeks ago $522.50
  • Anonymous 4 weeks ago $500.00
  • Anonymous May 2024 $366.87
  • Amy and Steve Yale-Loehr 4 weeks ago $300.00