14th Annual ASK 5K & Fun Walk   ○   #berksbattle

Kelly Kellum

May 4, 2019 10:00am - 12:00pm

My Personal Fundraising Page

 In July 2018 Berkeley was diagnosed with Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis, (LCH) in his rt lower jaw.  This came as a complete shock to our family as we had never heard of this cancer and I remember having to tell Berk.  As a parent this may have been one of the hardest things We had to do..tell our happy healthy teenager that he has cancer...  Berks reaction was priceless.."Mom God has a plan!" ..I knew we were going to be okay !  We met with his amazing oncologist and a plan was put together to have surgery to remove the tumor in August.  Surgery went great and we thought we were in the clear but November rolled in and Berk started to have pain in his left jaw...Multiple test were done and the best course of cancer was to start on weekly Chemo.  SO Berk has been having treatments every Wednesday and is amazing.  He constantly smiles and still strives to do everything he can as a High School Freshman!  This new path in our lives has shown us such love and support from our community, friends and family.  We want to give back and Berk is passionate about helping others!  This organization helps so many families of children with cancer so please donate!!  Join our team and walk alongside Berkeley for this amazing organization....





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